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Address Norfolk Teacher Training Centre, City College Norwich, Ipswich Road, Norwich, NR2 2LJ

01603 773708


Teaching is one of the most exciting, rewarding and challenging careers you can choose.

Everything we do is about training outstanding teachers. Established in 2014, Norfolk Teacher Training Centre is a leading teacher training provider with an outstanding reputation. We have trained over 300 teachers and the number of trainees on our programme has grown year-on-year since we began.

Rated ‘Good’ by Ofsted and ranked highly in the Good Teacher Training Guide, our programme boasts a 98% employment rate for graduates who complete our course (2019/20).

If you want to become a teacher. We can help you get into this dynamic and rewarding profession.

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“When I had my interview with NTTC, I just felt so at home. I knew that whatever the result from my other teacher training application, that this was the place where I wanted to be because I felt so comfortable. ”

Erin, Secondary trainee, English (2021-22)